Dr. August Rosado of Today In Bible Prophecy Ministries will teach on “The Seven Dispensations of Scripture” February 1st at 11 AM at Third Baptist Church, 260 Stafford Rd, Fall River, MA. A Love offering will be taken to help support his Israel Gospel Outreach to the holy land on March 24, 2025. Dr. Rosado was a student of the late Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, the late Zola Levitt, and the late Dr. Ed Hindson. He is a graduate of The Institute of Jewish/Christian Studies, (1996), a graduate of The King Is Coming College, (Liberty U, 2012), and holds a Th.D. from Anchor Theological Seminary., (2021).He has authored eight books and working on his ninth. He has taken 35 trips to Israel and speaks at Churches across the US. His website is www.todayinbibleprophecy.net |