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Prophecy Conference at New Hope Baptist Church

January 17 @ 6:30 pm


Should we interpret Bible prophecy literally or figuratively? Is there a real 1,000-year Millennium?

Is the world getting better – are we bringing in God’s Kingdom? What about the Rapture – when is it and who will be taken? Will we be a part of the Tribulation period? Is it literal or symbolic? These and other questions will be answered at the upcoming Prophecy Conference With Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, Jr Dr. DeYoung lived and worked in Jerusalem for many years before returning to the States. He is a teacher, missions director, speaker, and journalist.

Fri. & Sat., Jan. 17 & 18 – 6:30 PM Sun., Jan. 19 – 9:30, 10:45 AM; 6:00 PM Mon. & Tues., Jan. 20 & 21 – 6:30 PM Q & A after each service FMI – 207-660-5766


January 17
6:30 pm


New Hope Baptist Church
268 Perham St
Farmington, ME
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